Farmers Pride Oakdale Sale
Jun 01, 2023
Farmers Pride is accepting sealed bid offers on the Farmers Pride Oakdale grain facility/property. Bids will be accepted until June 22nd, 2023. Bids must be received no later than 5:00pm on June 22nd, 2023. Bids not received by the last day to bid will NOT be accepted. Open Houses will be by appointment only, to view the property please contact Troy Boggs at 402-887-5465.
Obtain a sealed bid catalog and a sealed bid-purchase offer form from Farmers Pride Battle Creek or Neligh Offices. The property will be divided into 4 tracts, the office building, the grain bins, the flat storage building, and the area of land on the west end of the property. For any questions about the Oakdale sealed bid auction, please contact Troy Boggs at 402-887-5463 or Dean Thernes at 402-675-2375.
Download Sealed Bid Packet Here